
Oral Health

Is Mouthwash Necessary?

We all know that flossing and brushing twice a day is essential for keeping your teeth clean and healthy. But what about mouthwash? Should mouthwash be a necessary part of your daily oral hygiene routine? Mouthwashes are generally antiseptic rinses that are used to decrease the microbial load in your [...]

2022-04-29T10:02:46+10:00February 22nd, 2022|Oral Health|

5 Motivating Reasons to Floss Every Day

"Are you flossing every day?" - it's the question that most Australians hope to avoid being asked at their dental appointments. Yet, even knowing that your dentist might ask about your flossing habits is still not enough to motivate many to make flossing a more regular part of their oral [...]

2021-06-14T15:51:44+10:00June 14th, 2021|Oral Health|

Understanding the Importance of Saliva

While you may not realise, saliva is actually a very important part of your mouth. It helps to stimulate taste buds to sample delicious foods, helps with chewing and swallowing, and can keep you from a dry mouth.  It also plays an immensely important role in your oral health.  Here's [...]

2021-03-02T09:31:05+10:00November 5th, 2020|Oral Health|

What Causes Teeth Sensitivity?

If you've ever thought twice about eating ice cream or sipping your favourite hot beverage because your teeth might hurt, then read on. Teeth sensitivity shouldn't stop you from enjoying everyday life, yet it is increasingly common. If you suffer from this painful condition, here's what you need to know [...]

2021-03-02T09:31:16+10:00September 8th, 2020|Oral Health|